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Digital booklet printing, Single-channel video
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15’50”; 16’21”, 2018
代入跟蹤者的角色,體驗跟蹤別人感受。 同時結合人體速寫時對對象的觀察及紀錄, 探索公共空間與私人領域間的灰色地帶。 過程中跟對方建立了微妙關係: 對方被我相處了一段時間。
Inhabiting the stalker's perspective, I aimed to viscerally experience the sensations of tracking another person. Combining this with life-drawing style observations and recordings of my subject, the work explores the ambiguous territory between public and private realms. Over the course of the project, a delicate relationship emerged - my 'subject' had been intimately encountered and accompanied for a period of time.

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